Important Update-VETASSESS Skill Assessment


Do you know VETASSESS has announced two important changes recently about skill assessment with them.

1) they will consider closely related employment outside the LAST TEN YEARS, provided it is continuous employment with the same employer within the last ten years. 
2) VETASSESS previously uses only month and year to calculate the employment dates. Now, they will be considering the exact date, including day, month and year for the Date Deemed Skilled employment.

The reasons behind the changes are:
Currently, VETASSESS deducts some years of experience from applicants due to those years are considered as non-skilled level. Besides, they only consider the recent 10 years of relevant experience. As a result, the applicants will be able to claim less experience points for skilled visa after the deduction of work experience. This approach seems unfair to those who have more experience outside the last ten years because they can only claim the same points as the fresh workers.

For implementing the new exact deemed date for skilled employment, most likely this is for the convenience to claim skilled points accurately and being aligned with other skill authorities.


VETASSESS 技能評估 重要更新

你可知道 VETASSESS 最近宣佈了兩項關於其技能評估的重要變化如下。


目前,VETASSESS 會從申請人的有關工作經驗中扣除一些年經驗,以作為這些年份被視為非技術水平。此外,過往他們只考慮近10年的相關經驗。因此在扣除非技術水平的工作經驗後,申請人往往只能獲得比實際上較少的技術經驗分數。對於那些有較多經驗,有十年以上經驗的人來說,獲得的分數跟一個年青就業者相同, 這個做法似乎是不太公平的。

另外, 使用確切技術經驗日期來評定經驗,,最有可能的原因是為了方便申請人及移民局能準確地評定技術經驗分數, 並且與其他技能評估機構保持一致。


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